White Paper
Apr 10, 2017

The 50+ Moviegoer: An Industry Segment That Should Not Be Ignored

Mid-life and older cinema-goers – in particular, those aged 50+, are a powerful force at the box office. They are bolstering blockbusters, driving dramas and creating lucrative new niches that don’t rely on major budgets and foreign success to be profitable.

This white paper, commissioned by AARP, and the below infographic have been prepared using the actual ticket-buying behavior of more than 14.7 million Americans normalized to reflect general movie-going behavior, which was then analyzed by Movio’s data scientists and cinema industry experts. The 50+ audience loves the movies, has the disposable cash in their pockets, and a lifelong habit of going the movies. These factors, along with the statistical evidence presented here, demonstrate why moviegoers 50+ should be proactively marketed to and served by the film industry.

"A better understanding of 50-plus moviegoers can influence the entire movie value chain: from production decisions, to where and when to exhibit a movie and the most effective communication strategy to motivate their cinema-going behavior,” said Matthew Liebmann, Senior Vice President, Movio. “The ultimate opportunity is to drive incremental revenue for filmmakers and exhibitors whilst also enhancing the satisfaction of this vital segment."

Written by

Dr Bryan Smith

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